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Clean Up Darlington Day seeks community input

The City of Darlington Beautification Board invites you to participate in the spring Community Clean Up Day on Saturday, April 27. This project is a joint effort among the Beautification Board, the City of Darlington, and the Darlington Garden Club, and we would like you to be a part of this community-wide effort.

We will have refreshments and restrooms available at the Greater Darlington Chamber of Commerce, 38 Public Square, from 9 a.m. to noon, and this location will serve as home base for tools and job lists.

We will also provide Darlington Proud T-shirts to the first 100 volunteers!

The project is branching out to other areas of town beyond the Square.

Project Areas: Southern Pine Street, Cashua Street Parking Lot, Cashua Street to the bridge, Cemetery off D Avenue, Codes Office at City Hall, D Avenue, Liberty Lane, North Main Street, Oak Street, Bill Cain Tennis Complex Park, Parking lot at News & Press, Corner of Pearl and Dargan Streets, Pearl Street, the Public Square, South Main Street, and the Cashua Street Walkway. 

Tasks: Picking up litter, Painting, Mowing, Cleaning benches, Debris removal, Trimming vines, Spraying Round Up, Trimming trees and bushes, Putting out pine straw, Fertilizing bushes, Planting and Watering.

If there are other projects you would like to tackle to help improve Darlington, please let us know and we’ll add it to the list for that Saturday morning. Tell us what tools or supplies may be needed to accomplish these tasks, so volunteers can bring the appropriate equipment or purchase these items.

Please contact me by April 12 (email rock@cityofdarlington.com or call 843-398-4000 x 103) if you will be participating and where, so we can include you in our publicity efforts and photos and videos that day. Thank you!