Weekly Update City of Darlington
The Darlington Kiwanis Club Pancake & Sausage Supper will be held from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 18, at Trinity United Methodist Church, 126 Pearl St. Plates are $7 each, eat-in, take-out, or drive-thru. Proceeds support various community projects.
Current Darlington Kiwanis Club President Bobby Kilgo shakes hands with Outgoing President Bill Moore during installation services.
National Earthquake Preparedness Week is Oct. 13-19. NOAA weather alert radios and broadcast media will signal residents at 10:17 a.m. Thursday, the Great ShakeOut drill to prepare for an earthquake. Did you know that in the last year, SC has experienced eight low magnitude earth quakes? You can use the SC Earthquake Guide to make sure you and your family are ready for an earthquake no matter where you are.
Many veterans share stories of their service with friends and family, but too often these stories are not recorded in a permanent way. It is important that future generations understand the selfless sacrifice made by military veterans and I want to help preserve their experiences by working with the Library of Congress Veterans History Project. The Veterans History Project is an effort to collect, preserve, and make accessible the experiences of American war veterans by recording their personal narratives and archiving them for future use. You can learn more about this initiative by clicking the following link: https://www.loc.gov/vets/.
Trick-or-treat downtown on Thursday, October 24, at The Scare on the Square, from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Want your business to participate? Download the registration form here. No charge for businesses within the City limits or nonprofit organizations.
Want to be at the TOP of our Weekly Update? Email Lisa Rock at darlingtonplanner@gmail.com or call 843-992-1561 for rates.
The Darlington County Board of Education meeting will begin at 6 pm in the Training Room of the DCSD Administration Building, located at 120 E. Smith Avenue, Darlington.
The October meeting of the Pilot Club of Darlington will be Monday, October 14, at 6:30 p.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. Special guests will be SC District Governor Donna Skipper and SC District Governor Elect Celeste Sherer. We will have a brief Founders Day Program and will enjoy snacks provided by Pilots.
A Call for the Church to COME ALIVE will be held at 6:30 p.m. nightly Oct. 13-16 at First Baptist Church, 216 S. Main St., Darlington. Featuring the Elevate Worship Band from Charleston Southern University and special guest preachers, the Rev. Jon Davis of Charleston Southern University and the Rev. Frankie Tanner, retired pastor of Mechanicsville Baptist Church.
At 9 a.m. Tuesday mornings, men are invited to join a special devotion time at the Purple Fish Coffee Company, 110 W. Hampton St. Great coffee and fellowship.
Let's Talk: Featuring the Rev. Penny Willis will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 15, at Macedonia Life Skills Center, 115 Exchange St., Darlington. An engaging and dynamic speaker, Rev. Penny has over 20 years of experience related to the design and delivery of professional learning content. Rev. Penny provides support and consultation to organizations dedicated to furthering the education and development of youth. Parents, trusted adults & youth-serving professionals are invited to learn more about navigating parent-child communications and encouraging healthy relationships. RSVP Whitney Davis 843-639-3090. Info: FactForward.org
The Darlington YMCA Little Kicks Soccer runs from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays through Nov. 2 at the YMCA, 123 Exchange St., for boys and girls ages 3-6. Cost is $25 for members, $50 for potential members. T-shirts are provided but shin guards are not. Info: Calvin Shaw 843-383-4537
Joe's Grill will have 50-Cent Wing Night for supper at 306 Russell St. Dine-In only.
Tenampa Mexican Restaurant will hold Taco Tuesday for lunch and supper at 40 Public Square. $1 crunchy beef or chicken tacos and various drink specials. Dine-In only.
Tuesday night is WINGS and KARAOKE with S&T Karaoke at Chianti's Wings & Things, 124 Cashua St., downtown Darlington. The wings are 75-cents each, and the songs are free.
The Black Creek Grill at the Darlington Country Club opens for members and their guests for dining from 5 to 8 p.m. on Tuesdays at the club, 125 Country Club Road.
Pee Dee Coalition invites you to join a Social Art Event from 6 to 8 p.m. on October 15 at ArtBug Studio, 122 N. Fifth St., Hartsville, in observance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Your ticket purchase, combined with the generosity of ArtBug Studio, will also purchase a seat for a survivor of Domestic Violence or one of our dedicated volunteers. Light food and beverages will be provided. Cost is $40 and includes all materials and refreshments. Template, materials and step-by-step instruction provided so that even first-time painters will succeed. Choose your own colors. Purchase tickets through this link: https://www.verlocal.com/pages/payment_page?listing_id=43230
Free Exercise Class at 9 a.m. Wednesdays at the Harmon Baldwin Recreation Center, 300 Sanders St. 843-398-4030
The Darlington Lions Club and the Free Medical Clinic of Darlington County will hold free vision screenings from 1 to 4 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month at the clinic, 203 Grove St. You do not have to be a patient at the clinic to attend these screenings.
City of Darlington Beautification Board meets at 5 p.m. on the third Wednesday of the month with no meeting in December. Dates are October 16 and November 20.
The Darlington County EMS and Fire District will hold an informational meeting about its Cadet Program at 6 p.m. Oct. 16 at the Darlington Library, 204 N. Main St. Instructors and program coordinators will be available to answer questions.
Crab Night every Wednesday night at Darlington Elks Lodge, 836 Timmonsville Highway, Darlington. 843-393-1451
Darlington County Picklers meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday and Sunday nights at the Bill Cain Tennis Center at the corner of Orange and Liberty Streets. Learn to play and meet new friends.
Connect with the Darlington County Institute of Technology (DCIT) at its first Connections at Breakfast event at 8 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 17, at the facility on Pinedale Drive. Make connections with other businesspeople while learning about our programs, meeting our students, and touring our state-of-the-art facility. Members who attend have an opportunity to be enter a drawing for a 60-second infomercial about their business. Free.
The Rotary Club of Darlington meets at noon on Thursdays at the Darlington Country Club, 125 Country Club Road.
The Darlington County Historical Society Fall Meeting will be held from noon to 2 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 17, at Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church, 3061 Wesley Chapel Road, Lamar. Guest speaker Johnny Andrews will discuss the 230-year history of Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church of Lydia. Cost: $12 for program and lunch.
The Darlington Kiwanis Club will meet at 1 p.m. at the Darlington Country Club and every other Thursday. The October 17 program features Mr. Michael Bedenbaugh, executive director of the Palmetto Trust, speaking about historic preservation in South Carolina. Find the club online at http://www.Facebook.com/DarlingtonKiwanis.
Mechanicsville Baptist Church's Annual Fall Mission Fair and BBQ Fundraiser will be held from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. October 18 at the church, 2364 Cashua Ferry Road. BBQ Plates, Homemade Cake Auction, Live and Silent Auction with many great items, a bake sale, and general store with items made by our Peaceful Piecemakers!
The Darlington Country Club Sundowners meet at 5:30 p.m. Thursdays at the club, 125 Country Club Road.
Break the Chains of Addiction at the CARES confidential Addiction Support group at 7 p.m. every Thursday at Harmon Baldwin Recreation Center, 300 Sanders St. All are welcome. Free. Info: Mark Parker 843-250-4298 or Kristy Wynn 843-601-3645
Fahrenheit 225 will have Trivia Night with prizes and specials at 6:30 p.m. every Thursday at 26 Public Square.
Joe's Grill will have its first Friday Night Cruise-In from 5 to 8 p.m. October 25 at the Grill, 306 Russell St. (behind IGA).
Darlington Country Club opens for a members' breakfast from 7 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on Saturdays at the club, 125 Country Club Road.
The Darlington Memorial Cemetery Association has organized a Community Clean Up Day beginning at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 19, at the cemetery on D Avenue.
Giving Voice to the Victims 7th Annual Domestic Violence Awareness Walk will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 19, beginning at the Public Square. Free Breakfast will be served. Along with House of Refuge, Refuge Outreach Ministry, Pee Dee Coalition, The Naomi Project, Hurting Women Healed, Survivors, Victims, Churches, Darlington County City Officials, Leaders, Choirs and many more. Free. Info: Mrs. Tonya Flowers at (843) 624-3214 or Mrs. Pamela Prince (843) 383-0240
Darlington Country Club members and their guests are invited to Celebrate Football beginning at 4 p.m. Saturdays at the Black Creek Grill, 125 Country Club Road.
Death by Chocolate, the Fifth Annual Murder Mystery Dinner, will be held Oct. 19 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Society Hill Library, 114 Carrigan St. Tickets are $12 in advance or $15 at the door. Info: Charlene McDonnough 843-378-0026
All Hunt Bonz Deli locations inside Fastrack Convenience Stores will be open for breakfast and lunch from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Come on out and have breakfast and lunch with us on Lamar Highway, South Main Street, or Hoffmeyer Road.
Jewels Deluxe Restaurant, 32 Public Square, will be open from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Sunday.
Darlington County Picklers meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday and Sunday nights at the Bill Cain Tennis Center at the corner of Orange and Liberty Streets. Learn to play and meet new friends.
Recovery/Self Discovery with Susie Bloodworth will be held at 2 p.m. Sundays through Dec. 8 at Black Creek Arts Council, 116 W. College Ave., Hartsville.
Mark Your Calendars
The SC Career Coach, a mobile extension of the SC Works centers, will be in Darlington from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22, at the A.W. Stanley Gym, 112 Gary St., Darlington, offering help with resumes, job searches, skills assessments, program and service direction, and additional employment assistance. With 10 workstations, WiFi and printer capabilities, and wheelchair accessibility, the Career Coach is coming to help you find a job. LOOK FOR THE GREEN BUS! Questions? Call (843) 472-7534
Business Banking & Lending Workshop presented by First Bank will be held at noon Tuesday, October 22, at the SiMT Gould Business Incubator, 1951 Pisgah Road, Florence. RSVP 843-294-8385.
The Scare on the Square: Thursday, Oct. 24, from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. downtown. Want your business to participate? Download the registration form here. No charge for businesses within the City limits or nonprofit organizations.
Darlington Middle School Fall Festival will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Oct. 24 at the school. Performances by DHS Band, DHS Drumline, Phoenix Phame as well as food, fun, games, and more.
The South Carolina Department of Commerce would like to invite you to its first Regional Recycling Matchmaker from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, October 24, at Milliken & Company in Spartanburg. The day will encompass an opportunity for you to find markets for your hard to recycle materials, hear recycling market updates across various commodities, provide you a chance to network with recycling experts and professionals as well as other manufacturers working to increase recycling. Do you have a hard to recycle material? Please bring a sample as we will have tables set up to display your product and allow recyclers to assist you directly.
Pee Dee Electric Cooperative 2019 Annual Meeting will be held from 9 a.m. to 1p.m. on Oct. 26 at the Florence Center, 300 W. Radio Dr., Florence. Member registration begins at 9am with activities throughout the day including the McLeod Health Fair and a kids zone with face painting and balloon animals! Performance by The Men of Distinction at 11 and much more. The Business Meeting will start at noon. Be sure to stay through the meeting - each member who is present and registers will receive a $20 energy voucher and "The History of Pee Dee Electric Cooperative" 80th Anniversary Book. Additional giveaways include 50 door prizes, a 50/50 drawing, 3 Bonus Prizes ($300, $400, & $500 energy vouchers), and the Grand Prize - a 2015 GMC Double Cap Pickup 4x4.
Darlington County Fire District holds its first Santa's Fall Festival from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 26 at Darlington Raceway. All proceeds go to Santa's Helpers.
CareSouth's Fall Festival and TRUNK OR TREAT will be held from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Oct. 26, at the CareSouth Carolina Campus in Hartsville at 1268 S. Fourth St. Free. Bounce houses, hot dogs, music, Trunk or Treat for the kids, as well as vendors and games. Join us in celebrating better health and health care access!
Hartsville Church of God will hold Trunk or Treat from 4 to 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 26, at the church 704 Lakeview Blvd., Hartsville.
Women & Minority Owned Contracting Opportunities for Small Businesses Workshop presented by the U.S. Small Business Administration will be held from 10 a.m. to noon Tuesday, October 29, at the SiMT Gould Business Incubator, 1951 Pisgah Road, Florence. RSVP 843-294-8385.
2019 South Carolina Manufacturing Conference and Expo: The South Carolina Department of Commerce, SC Biz News, SC Manufacturing Extension Partnership and SC Aerospace are pleased to host this event from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. October 29 at Charleston Convention Center in North Charleston. *There is a $95 registration fee for all non-exhibitor B2B Networking attendees. This event is open to South Carolina vendors and suppliers only. For additional information or questions contact Tammie Greene at 803-737-0585 or tgreene@sccommerce.com. Conference information: https://scmanufacturingconference.com/
On November 1, Darlington Raceway will host its second consecutive 5K event, but with a new name, the Terrence Carraway Memorial 5K with proceeds from the event benefiting the Terrence F. Carraway Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit, which is raising donations for a new South Carolina Fallen Officers Memorial Park in his honor on Main St. in Darlington. The 5K, slated to begin at 6:30 p.m., will run under the lights at Darlington Raceway for the second consecutive year. Participants may pre-register online for the event for a fee of $25 per participant by visiting this link. Day-of registration will be $30 per person.
Women's Leadership Symposium: Nov. 1 Greater Hartsville Chamber of Commerce, (843) 332-6401,
Come join a showcase coming from various bands from around the Pee Dee region and neighboring states at the DHS Keith DaBreu Band Competition from 2 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 2, at Darlington High School, 525 Spring St. Tickets are $7 in advance or $10 at the gate. For more information, call (843) 398-2741.
House of Refuge - Refuge Outreach Ministry will hold a giveaway from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 2 at the Darlington Library, 204 N. Main St., Darlington. Volunteers will distributed to the first 100 children one of their choice: a new pair of shoes, a new outfit, a new pajama set, etc., from ages O mos - 5t. For more information, call (843) 624-3214.
Gum Branch Baptist Church will hold a Fall Festival from 5 to 7 p.m. Nov. 2 at the church, 1504 Clyde Rd, Hartsville.
The St. Matthews Church Annual BBQ Cook-off and Bake Sale will be held Sunday November 3, after the 11 a.m. service. Come join us for some great food, fellowship and make some BBQ for a chance to win the St. Matthew's Church BBQ Championship. Bring a dollar to vote on your favorite BBQ. This event is a fundraiser by the Women's Ministry at St. Matthew's for local charities. There are sign up sheets for BBQ, sides and bake sale items on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall. See you there!
The Taste of Christmas fundraiser for the Darlington Fire Department Christmas Fund from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 7, at First Baptist Church, 216 S. Main St., Darlington. Tickets are $10 per person. Children younger than 6 eat free. For information or to cook at the event, call 843-398-4013
The Greater Darlington Chamber of Commerce will hold the Toast of Darlington on Historic Edwards Avenue from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. with live music, gourmet food, and a cash bar. Tickets: $25 each. Info: 843-393-2641 or hhobbs@darlingtonchamber.com
Community Connected For God's Glory and Our Good will hold a "Love Your Neighbor" event from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 16, at the B.A. Gary Playground, 100 Magnolia St., Darlington. Fun, food, and fellowship for all. Prayer tent will be set up to take requests and to pray personally with anyone interested.
Central Baptist Church will hold a book signing with Tim Coker from 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 17, at the church activity building, 512 Spring St., Darlington. Coker's book, Learning to Fly, is available for $12 at the church office, from the Cokers, or by sending an email to learningtoflytc@gmail.com.
Shop Small Downtown Open House: Thursday, Nov. 21, from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Public Square. Vendor application. Business participation Invitation.
Become a Member!
Join the DDRA and show your support for our community. Download the Membership Application here. Members can share news about your business or organization by giving us a call, 843-992-1561, or sending us an email, info@buildupdarlington.org, and we will feature yours news on our site and distribute it through our News Alert system via text and email to people interested in Darlington as well as TV stations, radio stations, and newspapers. We can come take a photo or use what you already have. This allows you to share employee recognitions, new products, sales, special hours and events, and more - all as a benefit of being a member of the Darlington Downtown Revitalization Association!
If you are already a member, please make sure to submit any updates to your businesses' Map Location Form to info@buildupdarlington.org.
To have your event listed on our websites, please email info@buildupdarlington.org or call 843-398-4000 x 103 by the week prior to your event.